Frequently Asked Question

How to Connect to Remote desktop
Last Updated 9 months ago

1. Search for “Remote desktop” in the windows search bar.

2. Open remote desktop connection program


3. In the following windows, click on “Show options


4. Then go to the “Advanced” section.


5. Click on the “Settings” button under Connect from anywhere


6Enter RD Gateway server settings “” and check “Use my RD gateway credentials for the remote computer”, and click OK button


7. Go back to General Tab

8. Enter your computer number (This is provided by your teacher)

9. In the username field, put your username under the format:

       à (example)
                               MTL\Student ID à MTL\5431467 (example)

Your screen should look like this:


10. Click on connect and fill-in your password.


Note: Some students might receive a “Certificate Warning” message on their screen while attempting to connect, simply allow the connection or press ok.

Note: Students are only allowed to remote connect to their computers during their class hours. Their Remote Desktop connection will be disconnected automatically after the time scheduled.

Reminder: The IT department HAS NO CONTROL over your class hours. All extension requests should be addressed to your teachers.

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